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Service dogs for veterans, service dogs, PTSD service dogs, combat veterans, VA, Veteran affairs,  free service dogs, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, service dogs, veteran service dogs, PTSD service dogs, Service dogs for veterans, shelter dogs, combat veterans, disabled veterans, veterans with PTSD, service dogs for TBI traumatic brain injury, shelter dogs, petfinder, petco, hollywood feed, 


Do I qualify for a Service Dog from DFW Canines for Veterans?

We define combat in several different aspects. From Infantry, Drone Pilots to Combat Support/Transport and more. We also are now offering service dogs for survivors of Military Sexual Assault MST.  Email us for more information!

If you have any questions if you would qualify, please contact us! We are more than happy to help you!

Again, there is NO cost for our veterans, simply apply! 

You have already signed that blank check, let us help you from here! 

Please donate and help end 22 a day! With 22 veterans per day committing suicide, we have GOT to end this!

They wrote a blank check to protect and defend our country. Now, lets help them! 

We pull 98% of our service dogs for veterans from city kill shelters, training them to become

Service Dogs, Battle Buddies for our military combat veterans.

We rely 100% on public donations! NO donation is too small!  

Unfortunately, the VA nor insurance covers service dog.

Please help sponsor a service dog and their veteran!

As we are 100% volunteer ran, 100% of donations goes directly to our program! 

Donate today and make a difference 

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Copyright 2007-2025 DFW Canines for Veterans.  ALL images and or content may not be copied or reproduced without written

permission from DFW Canines for Veterans.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This website contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties.

Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from DFW Canines for Veterans.

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